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A wiki for players of Misty world, by players of Misty world.

Welcome to the Mist World Wiki!

Mist World is an audio game developed for the blind and vision impaired communities. This Wiki aims to bring together writers and enthusiasts who enjoy playing the game to create, collaborate content that can help new users. check out the game at this page We also offer a Mist World Gem and equipment enhancement simulator. Since the more recent updates to the game allow for replacing of custom sounds, Silvana (ID 5563), Valdete (Player ID 2683) + others are building a community sound pack. this link will lead you to the Sounds updater executable. alternative download link for SF updater.

Please note that some virus scanners may flag it, as it uses a command-line interface to show you questions or information and download it into the correct language used by the game. You do not need to run it as administrator though, and it will let you update your sounds to the latest community version with each run, so worth to keep in your game folder if it causes you no harm.

Useful content by Sroath

I've got three different people asking me if there's a more up to date version of my translation. here is where I've been keeping my latest changes for those interested.
Sroath put together a massive spreadsheet of dungeons, gear tables, and calculation formulas you can use.Download the spreadsheet here, this link will always contain the most up-to-date version.
View a list of videos from his channel on Youtube, with all the content listed here.
this is my video guide for the Remnants Base level 90 dungeon in hermet camp. --

Getting started with the game

This section will be updated to contain links to guides for new players. Mist world guide pet guide area guide item drop summary Gem Class Builds, more basic Comprehensive Gem Guide: Effects, colours, and Locations by Windwhisper Equipment Craft Class Breakdown gang guide Guide to Reach the Pharaoh Tar Boss Area Guide to Reaching the Thunder Lord Boss Area Simplified Instructions for Quick Phrase usage Chinese-named Skill list (skill names are not the same as listed in official English translations) Mage combos explained guide by Ginger (external) Dungeon Database (external, hosted by Stormriders gang)

music and sound packs

A few music packs are currently available, created by player Neelix: Survive the Wild music pack Chinese (original) Mist world music Sims Music Pack, from Sims 1 to Sims 4 Snuggle Silencer pack by Afnan Nasir some Boss NPC voices in English by Neelix Sound Pack by odysseus ([ find the original copy here for this sound pack)

TTS engine work

Mist World does allow for the usage of Vocalizer in addition to Eloquence voices for built-in voice. This will get you positional audio via Vocalizer, instead of eloquence.

use this link to download the base Vocalizer package with English Samantha and Ava voices, for client versions before 2025
Vocalizer V2 package for Mist World Clients after 2025, includes Samantha and Allison as compact, Ava as full premium-high

After downloading, paste the "VL" folder into your Mist World main game directory, and restart the game to find them listed. Note that multiple issues exist:

Saying "MP" as "Northern Mariana Islands" when read in conjunction with a number
for other languages, you will need Vocalizer expressive V2 voices, You can use BlindHelp's site and extract the NVDA-addon package to a temporary folder. Place the folder of the language inside the vl folder within the game that you initially copied. Older clients will require Vocalizer Expressive V1 voices which are more difficult to track down.
While the Mist World client after 2025 supports Expressive V2 voices, voices that are above 1.X in their broker string will not work. To verify, just check the "ve" folder with the .hdr file, as the version number is at the end of that filename. If you got the file from the BlindHelp TTS link above, all voices there are of the initial Expressive V2 release and not above it. You'll know if the voice isn't compatible because it will refuse to speak inside the game as you cycle among voices.

Vividizer for 3D audio

If you would like Mist World to output with more spacialness, a recommended product is Vivaldi 3D's VIVIDIZER (14-day trial, $39.99.) main Vividizer site

A Vividizer Installation Guide exists here created by the amazing folks at Onward Mobility. It also includes an accessibility update which makes the sliders more accessible.
Do not install this program without first reading the instructions on that page, particularly about changing your screen reader output to another device prior to hitting "next." Wiki admins or others are not responsible if you act too quick.
If you wish to listen to a demo of the two main 3D modes offered, click here.